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Recommend a new member to the union and receive a €20 gift card!


It is in every food industry employee’s best interest for everyone at work to belong to the right union. In this case that union is SEL. Thank you for recommending union membership to your colleagues! We will reward you with a gift card, whenever a new member joins the union at your recommendation.

This is how it works:

1. Every SEL member is eligible to participate and they can recommend membership to an employee who is not yet a member of SEL. The new member may also be in a fixed-term or a part-time employment relationship. They can also be employed through an agency.

2. The campaign runs from the 1st of January 2020 to the 31st of December 2021. The more members you recruit, the more gift cards you will receive. For each new paying, first-time SEL member to join the union, you will receive one S-Group gift card worth €20. The gift card can be used in all S-Group places.

3. You will receive the gift card only if the new member enters your name in the “Recommended by” field on the electronic membership form. On paper forms, where there is no such field, the new member should write the name of the person who recommended them at the top of the form. We do not accept other methods of providing the information of the recommending person. It is also not possible to provide this information at a later date. A new member may only state one person who recommended them.

4. You can fill out the electronic application form together with the new member. You will find the form www.selry.fi/liity. Paper application forms can be obtained from your workplace’s SEL shop steward, or you can order them from SEL’s offices by calling 09 4246 1254.

5. This campaign does not apply to student members as SEL student membership is free. You will only receive a gift card for new, paying members that join the union.

6. If the employer collects the union membership fees directly from the new member’s wages, the gift card will be sent to you around one month after the new member joins. If the new member you recommended calculates and pays their union fees themselves each month, you will receive a gift card once they have paid their first membership fee.

If you have any questions, call the union at 09 4246 1200 Mon-Fri from 8.30 am -3.30 pm, or send an email to jasenrekisteri@selry.fi.

19.5.2024 klo 14:39:49